Product Profile: High Purity Ball Valve- Sanitary Type Applications rv gate valve

The 3-piece high purity ball valve offered exclusively by ValveMan is a very popular item for microbreweries and other food manufacturers or distributors. We have often be asked, “What is the difference between a high purity ball valve and a sanitary valve?” Well, the short answer is, anyone that tells you they have a sanitary ball valve is speaking incorrectly. There is no such thing as a true sanitary ball valve. This is due to the cavities that are in the nature of a ball valve. However, we work hard to try to eliminate those cavities as much as possible to make the VMDM7300 as sanitary as possible. We do this by doing four things:

  • Cavity Filled Seats
  • 10rA Finish
  • Tri-Clamp Ends
  • Oxxgen Cleaning

The cavity filled seats help decrease the size of the cavity between the ball itself and the body of the valve which decreases the ability for bacteria to grow. The 10rA finish makes sure the 316 stainless steel does not have any small cavities or grooves in it. Again, so bacteria cannot grow. The tri-clamp ends take away the need for threaded ends, which, as you guessed it, can be a growth spot for bacteria. The oxygen cleaning takes away any grease that was on the valve during the building of the valve. In fact, when you receive the valve it is in a plastic bag to assure it is still clean when it gets to you. This is not because of bacteria, its because it would just be gross to have industrial grease in your beer!

This 3-piece high purity ball valve is great for many home, commercial, and industrial applications including home brewing, microbreweries, dairy producers, and much more.

If you ever have any question on whether the VMDM7300 is right for you feel free to give us a call at 1.888.825.8800.

Product Profile:

  • 3 Piece Direct Mount High Purity Ball Valve- 1/2″-4″ Available
  • 3 Piece Direct Mount High Purity Ball Valve
  • 10 rA Finish
  • Cavity Filled Seats
  • Oxygen Cleaned
  • 1/2″-4″ Available
  • 316 Stainless Steel
  • 800 WOG
  • Manual, Electric, or Pneumatic
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Gilbert Welsford

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Gilbert Welsford, a renowned valve industry expert and third-generation owner of FS Welsford Company, is the visionary behind, a leading platform for valve-related products. Gilbert’s profound understanding of fluid dynamics and precision engineering plays a pivotal role in designing and applying various valve types. Known for his collaborative approach and outstanding communication skills, he builds strong relationships across multiple sectors and consistently ensures successful project outcomes. Committed to innovation and excellence, Gilbert remains at the forefront of industry advancements, consistently delivering solutions that exceed expectations.